KMSAuto 2025 for Windows and Office

KMSAuto is a utility that helps you activate Windows and Office for free, bypassing the purchase of license keys. This program will help you recover the lost keys from the Windows operating system.

You do not need to have the knowledge of a system administrator to use the activator. In this article, there is a simple instruction that will clearly show how to use kmsauto as a Windows 10 activator.

You can also extend the trial period of using Microsoft Office indefinitely. You can also activate the server versions of Windows. You can read more about everything below. If you are already familiar with the activator, you can simply skip the entire article and proceed to downloading kmsauto.

The download button is located a little lower, if it does not enter the screen, then scroll the page.

How the KMSAuto activation program works

You still decided to read the article in full, then I will describe to you the principle of operation of kms activators. Like all similar activators (kmspico, kmsnano), kmsauto manages the license keys of Microsoft products through a virtual kms server.

You no longer need to constantly search for temporary activation keys on internet forums. Activation using an automatic activator occurs once and for a long time. Until you decide to cancel activation and delete the server from your PC.

A virtual server (kms server) stands in the way of data transfer between the Windows client or the Office. Then he accepts all the data and signs the license as official. This is how all activators that work according to the kms principle are arranged.

An interesting observation by the author

I noticed that most of the free builds of Windows on the web already contain a kms activator inside. That is, after you download the free Windows 11 or Windows 10 and install it on your PC, you can find a folder with an activator and an installation on your desktop.

Download kmsauto

In order to download the archive with the activator, you need to click on the download button. Next, you will be redirected to the download page. The archive will appear in the download package that is configured in your browser. Alternatively, you can save the activator to any location. It is not necessary to unpack the archive, the program can be run from the archive.

Download KMSAuto

Risks of use

If you decide to activate your Office or Windows to bypass the purchase of license keys and choose the KMSAuto program, then it’s worth talking about the risks. The first and most important risk is the reliability of the source from where you download the activator.

To do this, you need to carefully select a resource from a variety of sites in the search results. The main thing I pay attention to when I download a program from the Internet is reviews. Every reliable website should have reviews from the users of the website. It is advisable to read these reviews and make sure that they were written by real people and not bots.

Then, after you download the activator, you should check it for Trojans and viruses. To do this, I check the exe files in online services. But please note that any activator is an unwanted program, kmsauto will always arouse suspicion from antiviruses. But this does not mean that the program contains Trojans and the like. Analyze antivirus reports.

KMSAuto verification on the virustotal service

Description of Kmsauto modes

The activator has several activation modes. These modes are designed for different users. We are talking about ordinary users and advanced ones.

  • The most common activation mode is automatic. Our activator selects the activation method itself, depending on which program needs to be activated. It’s hard to make a mistake in this mode. It is used by 99% of users. Even if an error occurred during activation, kmsauto will repeat the activation procedure again.
  • Manual activation mode. In this mode, the user must configure everything himself. If you are interested in this mode, then you understand everything and are an advanced user. The manual mode also includes many settings. For example, you can change the build version of your Windows operating system.

CMD activation mode

The program also works from the command line. Here is a description of the basic commands to run from the command line.

KMSAuto.exe /win=act    # Activates the Windows operating system.

KMSAuto.exe /off=act    # Activates the installed Microsoft Office package.

KMSAuto.exe /log    # Includes logging of the activation process.

KMSAuto.exe /task    # Creates a task in the Windows Scheduler.

KMSAuto.exe /key=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx    # Sets a custom product key before activation.

KMSAuto.exe /convert    # Converts the installed Windows version from Retail to Volume for successful activation.

KMSAuto.exe /silent    # Runs the program in silent mode, without displaying the graphical interface.

KMSAuto.exe /uninstall    # Deletes the activator and all related files and records from the system.

KMSAuto.exe /help    # Displays background information about the available commands.

If you bought a license key for Windows 10 Home (the key for home versions is the cheapest), and you have Windows 10 Bussinese installed, then you can use the KMSAuto program to change the version and build type of the operating system and perform successful activation.

How to use the kms activator

To understand how to use the activator, let’s look at a specific example of Windows 10 activation. I will describe the whole process for you step by step and, if possible, attach pictures for greater clarity.

  1. You need to download Windows 10 OS from the official source. This is the macrosoft website, and you can use the link to select the version of the operating system you need and download it.
  2. After you have downloaded and installed the operating system, you need to launch the activator, which you can download from this website.
  3. After downloading and launching the kmsauto program, you need to select the desired activation mode and start the procedure.
  4. Next, everything is ready and your operating system can now work smoothly and without notification of the need to enter a license key.

It is worth noting that the kmsauto utility is ideal for activating Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8-8.1, older versions of the operating system such as Windows 7 and XP can be activated manually. Programs such as MS Office are also suitable for activation. 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2011. Server versions of Windows can also be activated starting from Windows Server 2012.

If you were unable to activate Windows Defender, then you can read the article on how to pause Defender before activating Windows and Office.

Additional auxiliary utilities

The KMSAuto activator is available in several versions, such as NET and ++. The NET version was described above. The ++ version includes several useful utilities, which I will describe below.

Microsoft Defender Tools is a utility for managing Windows Defender. Disabling and enabling, as well as adding files to the exception.
Uninstall Microsoft Office – this program cleans the disk and registry from all versions of Microsoft Office.
Show or Hide Updates is a program for managing system update alerts. You can hide Windows update notifications.
MSActBackUp is a manager for adding and storing license keys from Windows and office. This may be useful after reinstalling the Office and Windows programs.
Activation by telephone is a utility for activating Windows and Office in telephone conversation mode (imitation).
Office 2013 – 2021 C2R Install Lite is a manager application for installing Microsoft Office on all versions of the Windows Operating System, including Windows 7.

All these utilities can be obtained by downloading the kmsauto++ program.

The latest version of the KMSAuto Net 2025 activator has the ability to activate all Windows and Office builds that were released in 2025, as well as server operating systems. As usual, Ratiborus is working on improving the program and quarterly fixes bugs and optimizes the activation process. Alternatively, you can activate Windows or Office using free license keys.

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